The European Textile Services Association (ETSA) is dedicating significant resources to enhancing communication efforts through its National Associations' Communication Schemes. These schemes aim to promote productive dialogues and strengthen the network within the textile services sector.

A recent initiative emphasizes the importance of collaborative communication in managing green and digital transitions. The introduction of new communication strategies represents a transformative approach for disseminating information and fostering cooperation, providing practical means for the industry to enhance partnerships and share best practices. Several associations were recognized for their effective communication efforts, and the expertise of various industry professionals was pivotal in advancing these initiatives.

Looking forward, the National Associations will continue to explore innovative ways to support ETSA's Communication Schemes. Over the summer, a dedicated section of the ETSA website will be developed to support these communication activities. This will offer the textile services sector a platform for continuous information sharing, collaboration, and engagement.

For those interested in learning more about these initiatives, please contact the ETSA Secretariat.

APaČ launches photo campaign BEZ LAUNDRIES as follows (Czech Republic)

The Association of Laundry and Dry Cleaners (APaČ), which represents companies in the laundry and dry cleaning industry, has been pushing for compensation to support affected entrepreneurs for many months. They lost customers overnight after the government closed hotels, restaurants and the entire social life. Since the activities of washing and cleaning have not been restricted, these entrepreneurs are not entitled to targeted assistance. APaČ decided to create a series of photographs that capture the world without our field.

ApacThe idea for the photo campaign came from the association's membership base at the end of last year, when the Ministry of Industry and Trade came up with an offer to include laundries and dry cleaners in the list of closed establishments in exchange for compensation. "Of course, we could not accept that. Since March, we have been emphasizing in the public space the indispensability of our field, which serves medical facilities, nursing homes or industry, which now keeps our country afloat," says Jana Puškáčová, President of the Association of Laundry and Dry Cleaners.

The campaign depicts with exaggeration what it would look like if the laundries were closed, or what it will look like when they go bankrupt. "From the very beginning, our association has been dealing with government representatives decently, without swearing, strikes or threats. This campaign humorously underlines our efforts. Although the reality is that our entrepreneurs have been crying for some time now," comments Jana Puškáčová.Click here to read the full story.




Integration of Ukrainian Refugees into the Danish labor market: Danish Textile Rental Association (Denmark)

The Danish service industry, particularly the textile service industry in its whole value chain from the laundry to the textile rental sector, has actively supported Ukrainian refugees by creating meaningful career opportunities. Several members of the Danish Textile Rental Association and ETSA  have taken significant steps to integrate these refugees into the workforce, offering comprehensive training and support.Oksana

 A notable success story is that of Oksana Tsura, who fled the war in Ukraine and began working night shifts at an Elis laundry. Through her diligence, she ascended to a managerial role, now leading a department of 25 employees. Elis, a member of the Danish Textile Rental Association, has played a crucial role in helping refugees like Oksana adapt and succeed in the Danish labor market. The broader service industry, including hospitality and cleaning sectors, has also shown strong initiative, highlighting the value of a diverse workforce and addressing labor shortages effectively. This integration has benefited individual employees, the service industry, and Danish society as a whole. Click here to read the full story.

Open Door Event "Visit My Laundry": GEIST (France)

GEISTEvery year, GEIST organizes the open door day "Visit My Laundry," a flagship event aimed at attracting new talent and enhancing the visibility of the Textile Services sector. This day, featuring site tours and job dating sessions, has become a key event for our industry in France. In 2021, GEIST worked to gain recognition for our sector as essential, especially during the Covid pandemic. Initially intended for political decision-makers to raise awareness of the necessity of maintaining our industrial laundry activities, this initiative was quickly acknowledged as a real benefit for the sector's image among various audiences. Since 2021, the number of participating sites has tripled, growing from 17 to 53, including major industry brands like Elis, Anett, Kalhyge, and Initial.

To maximize the impact of this event, GEIST provides participating companies with a comprehensive communication package. This package includes posters, LinkedIn or email banners, invitation letters (B2B), press kits, press releases, flyers, a "Visit My Laundry" t-shirt, and photos. Additionally, personalized assistance was offered this year to address any member questions regarding the implementation of communication tools. A shared retro-planning calendar helps anticipate each preparatory action and assists companies in organizing their participation effectively.

In March 2024, ETSA enabled other countries to join the initiative launched by GEIST in France, paving the way for a European dimension of the event. Thanks to this initiative, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the Czech Republic have joined the venture, benefiting from the already established communication tools, translated and adapted into various languages.LaundryOpenDay

It is hoped that many other national associations in the sector will join this project, which enhances the profession's visibility and increases recognition of our industry among the general public and administrative bodies. This day, March 13, 2024, not only creates recruitment opportunities but also fosters a sense of belonging among all professionals involved. It has proven to be a catalyst for the continuous promotion of the importance of our sector, both economically and environmentally.




Sveriges Tvätteriforbund:  Professional Textile Services Now Included in RUT Deduction (Sweden)

After a persistent five-year campaign, 2021 marked a significant milestone for Swedish households and the professional textile service industry. The RUT deduction, initially introduced in 2007 to provide tax relief for domestic work, was expanded to include professional textile services. This groundbreaking change promised not only to alleviate the stress of household chores but also to boost employment and benefit the environment. The original RUT deduction was a hit among working Swedes, offering tax cuts for domestic services, including using home laundry machines. However, it excluded professional textile services, leaving many to handle their laundry at home. Recognizing this gap, Tvätteriförbundet in 2014 began a campaign to broaden the scope of RUT. The goal was clear: show how including professional textile services aligns with political priorities, particularly those focussing on work-life balance, job creation, and environmental sustainability.

Fast forward to 2019, the campaign gained momentum when the Government committee on RUT expansion (SOU 2020:5) began deliberations.Tvätteriförbundet  in close contact with committee members, provided expert insights during the consultative process. They organised visits to professional textile service companies to highlight the industry's potential benefits. The advocacy paid off. In 2021, the RUT deduction for textile services officially took effect. Now, private consumers can enjoy a 25% tax deduction on the cost of professional textile services, including repairs and transport of items that could otherwise be washed at home. This change is not just a win for busy families but also a significant step forward in promoting low-skilled job creation and environmental protection.Tvattervorbund

The new policy is projected to generate around 1,500 new jobs, a 30% increase in the industry. Moreover, the state expects to incur expenses of approximately SEK 500 million annually to support this initiative. Yet, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Professional textile services typically use less water and fewer chemicals compared to home washing, contributing to a greener planet. Inclusion of professional textile services in the RUT deduction is a testamony to the power of sustained advocacy and the importance of aligning tax policies with broader social and environmental goals. For many Swedish households, this change means more free time, less stress, and a cleaner environment—truly a win-win situation for all.

More information:

The authorization quality control : Essential for Everyday Life

Textile service workers play a critical role in ensuring the functionality and safety of clothing for various professions, from bakers to surgeons and construction workers. Their expertise guarantees hygiene, comfort, visibility, and flame retardancy, contributing to a smoother operation of essential services. These professionals also ensure that hotels provide guests with soft bed sheets and towels, and that healthcare facilities are well-stocked with necessary textiles. By maintaining clean floors with functional mats, they protect surfaces and save money.

Innovative practices and continuous technical advancements keep this industry at the forefront, promoting a green, circular economy. Textile care extends the life of fabrics, while production facilities optimize water and energy usage, showcasing responsible resource management. Customers can identify environmentally and socially responsible companies by looking for the T-brand. The T-brand is only given to companies that pass the annual authorization control and is a proof of quality, high standards in knowledge, entrepreneurship, and resource utilization. Regular independent controls ensure that companies with the T-brand meet or exceed required standards, and a sustainable, inclusive society.

Textile services support various industries, allowing them to focus on their core business while ensuring their operations run smoothly. These efforts contribute significantly to the well-being of society and the planet, making textile service workers true unsung heroes of everyday life.

Together with Danish BVT Tvätteriförbundet is managing a project co-financed by Erasmus+ futher developing the authorization for the future.

More information:


Helping hospitality linen last longer:  The Textile Services Association (United Kingdom)

PashaThe TSA has produced a portfolio of support materials designed to guide teams in extending the lifespan of hospitality linen. Proper care of linen products not only prolongs their usability but also contributes positively to environmental sustainability. This initiative is being featured on the TSA website.

The TSA encourages the use of these materials during induction training programs within hotels and laundries. These resources are available for download, sharing, and presentation. For those who prefer white-label versions of any of the materials, TSA  is willing to accommodate such requests. You can find more information by clicking the link here.

Introducing Pasha the Pillowcase: videos

Pasha has been developed by the TSA  to help to bring to life the story of hospitality linen.  Click here to watch a simple tale about the not-so-simple life and times of a simple piece of linen. Some short videos have been created to show the various stages linen, or in this case, Pasha the pillowcase, undertakes throughout its entire life cycle, you can view the "Pasha the Pillowcase videos" and other related videos on the TSA youtube channel here.

Video Campaigns showcasing the essential role textile services play: TRSA (United States)

Check out these awareness campaigns run by the National Association representing the United States of America. You can see all their videos here on their YouTube channel, but pay special attention to two, linked here. One on the life of a bar towel, showcasing the important role that textile service companies play in ensuring industries and businesses are supported with necessary supplies. A second video, also linked here, shows the astonishing way the textile service industry supports a litany of other essential industries and businesses critical to the societal infrastructure, not only in the United States and Europe, but throughout the world.



VTS "Without Us" Campaign (Switzerland) 

OperatingRoomThe VTS "Without Us" campaign emphasizes sustainability and system relevance while highlighting the critical role that professional textile care plays in a variety of industries. The ad shows how work attire, formal dining, medical fabrics, and fine tableware would not be able to uphold the essential standards of hygienic practices, safety, and cleanliness without their assistance. Through particular case studies from a variety of sectors, including construction, healthcare, and hospitality, the campaign illustrates how expert textile maintenance guarantees the durability, security, and environmental effectiveness of these products.

The campaign consists of text  and images for Google Ads, email footers, landing page headers, and social media sites including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These articles aim to increase awareness of the value of expert textile care in upholding safety and hygienic regulations, improving sustainability by prolonging the life of textiles, and lessening the environmental impact.Hotel The VTS "Without Us" campaign effectively conveys the vital role that textile care experts play in a variety of sectors, encouraging a greater understanding and respect of their work through focused language and striking imagery. You can read more about this innovative campaign here.











ETSA: Representing textile rental companies

Alsco Bardusch CWS textilia Elis Initial johnson Lindstrom Mewa Salesianer

To find out more about our members including suppliers, national associations and research institutes click here

ETSA: In partnership with suppliers of detergents, fabrics and machinery

Alsico Bierbaum  Carrington Chainge christeyns Cibutex Ecolab Girbeau HB Jensen kannegiesser Klopman kreusslerMilliken 2021 Tencate Van Moer

To find out more about our members including textile rental companies, national associations and research institutes click here

ETSA: Coordinating national textile service associations and working with research institutes

Apac Assosistema BVT DTV FBT FTN GEIST  Tekstiilihuoltoliitto-ry TRSA TSA Sveriges-Tvätteriförbund VTS 

To find out more about our members including textile rental companies and suppliers, click here