ETSA Webinars & Events


ETSA Secretariat is committed to sharing best practices and innovations in the textile service industries with its national associations and its members. Here, you can find information on past webinars and information on future webinars and how to attend them. We hope to see you at ETSA webinars and if you have any questions or concerns regarding ETSA webinars, or would like to cooperate with ETSA in hosting a webinar, please get in touch with ETSA Secretariat. You can see some of our upcoming events on the event page linked here, for past events please check the news section, the recorded webinars section or inquire in the ETSA Secretariat. 


ETSA webinars & Events

ETSA: Representing textile rental companies

Alsco Bardusch CWS textilia Elis Initial johnson Lindstrom Mewa Salesianer

To find out more about our members including suppliers, national associations and research institutes click here

ETSA: In partnership with suppliers of detergents, fabrics and machinery

Alsico Bierbaum  Carrington Chainge christeyns Cibutex Ecolab Girbeau HB Jensen kannegiesser Klopman kreusslerMilliken 2021 Tencate Van Moer

To find out more about our members including textile rental companies, national associations and research institutes click here

ETSA: Coordinating national textile service associations and working with research institutes

Apac Assosistema BVT DTV FBT FTN GEIST  Tekstiilihuoltoliitto-ry TRSA TSA Sveriges-Tvätteriförbund VTS 

To find out more about our members including textile rental companies and suppliers, click here